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Kris Springer's Tech Blog - Klavan Klapbacks
Klavan Klapbacks 8-2-24
Kris Springer

Last week I was listening to Andrew Klavan talk about how God is in control of everything, and then he said something that made me write in and give my opinion. I guess it was intriguing enough to him that he read in on the air in his next show. To be clear, he didn't read the entire email, he only read the first half. And also I don't think he actually addressed the point I was trying to make. He didn't respond to the core of my email, but instead brushed the whole thing off by inferring that we can't know which text in the Bible should be taken literally, so we get to decide for ourselves what parts are figures of speach and what parts are literal fact.

Here's the full content of my email, where I'm making the point that believing in 6 day creation directly ties to believing if Jesus is a liar or not, pointing out that the Bible states that God wrote with His own finger in stone that He created the world in 6 days, just like in Genesis. I underlined the parts he didn't read.
How can you go on your long rants about how God is in control of everything orchestrating who lives, 
who dies, being outside of time, all powerful, etc, and then make the disconnected statement about 
men and women "that's how evolution designed us". I've been listening to you (and Ben) do this for 
years and it's maddening. How/why do you keep believing/promoting evolutionary nonsense while 
simultaneously believing/promoting God. There is no evidence that darwininian evolution happened, 
could happen, or will ever happen no matter how much theoretical time you assign to its illogical 
fantasy model. You routinely make comments like "that's what everyone believed until 5 minutes ago" 
about other modern nonsensical topics, so why do you believe in evolution when it's just another one 
of those topics with no grounding in reality, no proof, and belief in such nonsense results in 
rejection of God as the Creator, and makes Jesus out to be a liar because He claims that the world 
was made in 6 days, Noah's worldwide flood really happened, and He's the one who did it. If He lied 
about that, why wouldn't He lie about being sinless. If He's not sinless then He's not good enough 
to be the sacrificial lamb for our sins. Believing in evolution unravels Biblical Christianity. 
If you're version of Christianity is disconnected from the Bible, then you've created your own 
mock-Christian faith, which of course is not Christian. 

Also, for those who want to take Genesis and morph it into an allegory instead of taking it to mean 
what it plainly says, their real problem isn't Genesis, it's Exodus 20 where God told Moses that He 
really did make everything in 6 days. And in Deuteronomy 9 it says God wrote it in stone with His 
own finger. You may have heard of it, it's commonly referred to as 'The 10 Commandments'. 
Here's the clip from the Andrew Klavan show on The Daily Wire.

You'll notice he never addresses the point I was making about evolution being a Gospel issue, or the fact that God wrote it into the 10 Commandments, and instead said he doesn't understand why it makes me angry. This was odd because I'm not angry, and the email is not angry. It may have been a little snarky, but he admittedly likes that sort of thing. I said it's maddening (aka: drives me crazy) that he keeps promoting evolution, which he slightly addressed in his response by focussing on the observable variations in kinds that occur in the animal kingdom, but never addresses darwinian evolution which my letter is clearly talking about. Variations within animal kinds is not evolution, and anyone who uses that inarticulate language and refers to debunked examples of fraudulent studies like the peppered moths to justify their belief system is either being obtuse or deceptive. Someone as intelligent and educated as Andrew Klavan should not be responding with that sort of ridiculous reference when speaking to such a large audience of other intelligent and educated people. It's really not a good look.

When commenting on my Exodus 20 statement, which specifically is referencing the 10 Commandments, he says "text can't be read in any way you want, but there are always grey areas, language is a rude tool that we use to communicate, and there are gaps in those communications", "we know God speaks in allegories... so we know that not everything God says is to be taken literally". He's inferring that he takes the 10 Commandments which God wrote in stone with His own finger as an allegory. While he's explaining his thoughts about the writers and text of Genesis he stops himself in mid sentence describing it as "some kind of myth". So the question for those who see the Bible this way really boils down to 'If I can't even take God literally regarding the 10 Commandments, why should I take any of the New Testament literally?'

Final thoughts: I like Andrew Klavan. I've been watching him for years and he was the original reason I started listening to the Daily Wire folks. But it's disheartening when someone with as large of a platform as him keeps straddling the fence between Biblical truth and Worldy nonsense. I'll just keep praying that God pushes him over to the truth side.

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